Reading Resources: Taking Advantage of Available Reading Resources

Learning to read at home can be much like learning to read in the classroom. The key to success is developing a reading program that takes advantage of all available resources and one that is geared toward the learning style of the child. The good news is that there are many reading resources available to help homeschooling educators present fresh and interesting material to new readers.

Using Worksheets and Practice Sheets to Teach Reading

Experts agree that, no matter what method is used to teach reading, learners need to be provided with some form of practice and educators need to have a viable method of assessing progress. And, although many homeschooling parents shy away from the use of worksheets and practice sheets when teaching reading, both of these can be viable forms of reading aids when used properly. And, creatively using these tools can not only provide learners with the practice they need to become good readers, they can also help hold the interest of a child who has trouble focusing.

Reading worksheets do not have to be the boring, standardized practice sheets found in classrooms nationwide. The internet and other homeschooling parents both house a wealth of ideas for creative worksheets. And, the educator interested in personalizing a child's reading instruction can even create their own worksheets based on the interests of a particular child. A child that loves sports can be provided with sports-related worksheets. A child who has a particular interest in pets can be given worksheets that focus on animals. Many of the worksheets that can be found online can be altered to reflect the interests of the child.

Activities that Teach Reading

Homeschooling educator networks, seasoned teachers, and the internet are all wonderful resources for reading lesson plans, activities, and programs. The internet has opened up a world full of sites where in-school educators and homeschooling parents "gather" to share their ideas for creative lesson plans and activities such as book reports and writing activities. Any homeschooling parent who finds themselves at a loss for new material can visit the internet for reading resources.

The good news is that, with a little creativity and a home computer, parents and homeschooling educators can personalize many of these worksheets to reflect the interest of the child(ren) they teach. Worksheets that cannot be personalized can still provide a wealth of resource ideas for worksheet and practice sheet design and creation. There are so many fresh ideas for worksheets and lesson plans available online and in homeschooling groups that there is no need to shun the use of these viable reading tools.

Homemade worksheets used in conjunction with established resources, such as computer programs that can individualize the instruction for each student, have been found to result in increased student success.  The key is to supplement an established program with reading resources that emphasize the strengths of the child.


More information about modern software for teaching children to learn to read is available at